Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2 months!

Well, here's our big ol' two month old boy! I can't believe it's already been two months and Mike says he feels like it's been 5 years already! Tyler's two month appointment went really well except for the shots which I probably had a harder time with than he did. Tyler is in the 50th percentile on weight (10 lbs. 13 oz) and length (22 inches) and it's the one time that we're happy that he's "average". Our little boy is starting to let his personality show and has been telling anyone who will listen (including ceiling fans and walls) "stories". He loves to coo and is starting to blow raspberries and it couldn't be funnier! I've tried to get a video of it, but the child freezes whenever he sees a camera. I'll keep trying and hopefully will have a video up soon, but to tide everyone over, here's some new pics. As you can tell, our dog Obi might be as big a fan of Tyler as we are!

1 comment:

aGm said...

Don't be camera shy Tyler... I want to see you coo!!

You are getting so big and I can't believe you are almost 3 months.. YIKES!!